Thought leaders don’t sit on the fence

For professional services firms, thought leadership is the most valuable form of content. 

Thought leadership builds credibility and trust. It provides a point of difference and sets you apart in a sea of indistinguishable subject matter experts.

Professional services firms are teeming with subject matter experts – experts in law, finance, technology, data security, performance management, change management, leadership… 

Many of these individuals claim or aspire to be thought leaders. Yet only a very small number are, or will ever achieve that standing. Why? Because most professionals don’t or won’t put any real thought into the content they produce.

They paraphrase but don’t extrapolate.

They regurgitate other people’s ideas but won’t express their own point of view. 

If you want to be a thought leader, you have to not only have an opinion, but also be willing to share it.

A long, white picket fence